Thursday, July 26, 2012

Farmageddon Farm Fest, 2012 - West Yellowstone, Montana

                                 The Slaughter Sisters, of the Dead Tree String Band

                                                                   Ando Ehlers

                                                    Molly Gene One Whoaman Band

                                                                     Yours truly :)

                                                              Hard Money Saints

                                                        Banjo man from Carolina Still

                                                   Banjo man from Cutthroat Shamrocks

                                                      Cutthroat Shamrocks

                                                                Cutthroat Shamrocks

                                              Philip Roebuck, the amazing one man band!


                  Gary Lindsey formerly of Assjack, now Black Eyed Vermillion's energetic frontman

                                                               Jameson, anyone?

                                              Gary Lindsey and Saint Christopher getting rowdy!

                                     Graham and Tina Lindsey, two of our new favorite people!

                                                             James Hunnicutt with Graham and Tina

                                                                        Tina's awesome smile!

                                                                      James and Graham

                          This guy, Steve, was working with us and enjoying music with us throughout the weekend. Before he left he gave us some cash for our trip. Another amazing generous and kind person. Hoping to see you at Weber's Deck Steve!

                                                      The one and only Shooter Jennings!

                                                The amazing fiddler who was on stage countless times shredding it up, who's name I cannot remember, Graham Lindsey, James Hunnicutt, and Jayke Orvis, all accompanying  Shooter Jennings

                                                                      James and Jake

                                             Our friend Soda Gardocki enjoying the show.

                                                       Michael James of Our Graveyard Jaw, the newest addition to Farmageddon Records

                                             One of our musical heroes - Willy Tea Taylor

                           Soda, Tom V., a couple of the Calamity Cubes, and a Harmed Brother

                                             Kody from The Calamity Cubes, and Soda Gardocki

                                                 An inspiring set by Willy Tea Taylor

                                                                 A very happy camper!

                                         Soda Gardocki performing his Sunday afternoon set.

                                         You know its a good show when Soda stands up!

                  Members of The Harmed Brothers, Izzy Cox, The Calamity Cubes, Dead Tree String Band, and Soda Gardocki

                                                              The Calamity Cubes!

                      The Calamity Cubes! had to get off of the stage for about 10 minutes as we let the rain and lightning pass over. They proceeded to play a song for the crowd, in the crowd, with the crowd. Amazing.
                                                              Brooke of the Calamity Cubes!

FarmFest 2012 was an incredible, unforgettable, and life changing weekend. So much love, respect, and inspiration was shared. We were able to meet and hang out with some musical heroes, share the stage with living legends, dance, and throw ourselves around in the moshpit, take photos backstage and on stage, and lend our hands in building an experience that turned out to be amazing for all involved. We couldn't have made it to this place, if it weren't for every single person along the way. The people who gave us rides. The people who encouraged us to travel. The people who birthed us and raised us. The people who said "You HAVE to be at FarmFest!" The people who smiled at us when we were down and out. The people who put us to work. We left this festival with new friends, family, and an overall new joy and perspective on life, and living dreams. Onward and Upward!!!


  1. Thank you so much for being a part of Farmfest 2012 & for posting these wonderful pictures :-)
    See you again in 2013!
    James Hunnicutt

  2. Thanks from everyone at Farm-Fest for taking great pictures! Hopefully you will back next year! We would love to use a few of these for the photo album that's coming with the merch boxset with your permission!

  3. Liz Sloan was the amazing violinist... Thanks for these great pics, can't wait to see what they come up with next year.
