Thursday, July 12, 2012

San Francisco, CA

                                     This is Paul. Paul is a surfer and works for the government.
                                                   Paul picked us up in Davenport, CA.
                                                Paul took us all the way to San Francisco!

                              Buffalo?! In the middle of San Francisco?! We did not expect this.

                    Hey look who it is! None other than the magnificent and talented Kenny Chung.

            This was our last day in San Fran and we happened to be at the library two blocks from
            where Kenny had to get some paperwork done for his work visa so he can go teach
            kids English in his motherland of Korea. What a pleasant surprise!

                Hopped on the Greyhound to Arcata out of San Fran. The darn thing started acting
                up when we got less than a half hour outside of town, so we had to turn around and
                go back to Oakland to get on a properly functioning bus.

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